
Welcome to Ghent Verified

Let us show you around this awesome place with its 902 street art masterpieces.


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Recently added artworks

(Untitled)Sunset LinesBiodiversity at Macharius #13Biodiversity at Macharius #12Biodiversity at Macharius #11Tierlantuin(untitled)Mural for ChopinChopinSound of SilenceWallin' - Pit sessionsTransformart - (work in progress)Schoon Volk MSK mural #3Drawing for Great Expectations(unknown title)StandaertsiteBiodiversity at Macharius #10Biodiversity at Macharius #9Leo Martinmini.gent peopleBiodiversity at Macharius #8Transformart - Octaaf SoudanKatoSchoon Volk MSK - The Triumph of the MusesSchoon Volk MSKKingfishersThe spot of KlaasBiodiversity at Macharius #7Biodiversity at Macharius #6Biodiversity at Macharius #5Biodiversity at Macharius #4Biodiversity at Macharius #3Biodiversity at Macharius #2Biodiversity at Macharius #1Unity birdsAntejardinOnderbergen junglekalligraffiti3 part mural for a schoolBotanicals for GhentLe M.U.R. winners jam 2024Mural for Kapow2 Gentbrugge birdsSorry Not Sorry muralWe give you colours IIUntiltedFacesTeamwork makes the dream workChameleon4 mains

Our favorite places

Treck HostelKaBa HostelEcohostel AndromedaFull Circle coffee barCasa 09Chameleon: Sous-Sol editionsSTREET shophelen b & vriendenGift ShopBROEILAB23 shopShow Show DIY galleryKapowVisit Gent - tourism infoRufus GalleryDok Brewing CompanyHostel De Draecke
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