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Acceptable Use Policy

1. Introduction

  1. This is our acceptable use policy. Alongside our General Terms of Service at streetartcities.com/legal/terms it sets out what you are and aren't allowed to do when visiting our website, and allows us to prevent abuse of the website or service.
  2. If you use our website, it means that the policy applies to you and that you agree with it along with our Website User Privacy Policy at streetartcities.com/legal/privacy
  3. We may change these terms, so if you are ever uncertain please check back on this page from time to time as the latest version will always be made available here.

2. Who We Are

  1. The streetartcities.com website and any of our mobile applications and other associated software is operated by Street Art Cities BV, a Limited company registered in The Netherlands under company number 69681295. Collectively these properties are referred to as "the site" or "the website" in this document.
  2. Our registered office is at: Kloosterweg 1, 6412 CN, Heerlen.

3. What you must not do

  1. You must not use the site to do any of the following:
  2. Break any laws or regulations.
  3. Do anything fraudulent, or which has a fraudulent effect.
  4. Harm or attempt to harm minors.
  5. Do anything with material that does not meet our content standards (these are listed below).
  6. Do anything with unsolicited advertising material (known as spam).
  7. Transmit any data or material that is harmful to other programs, software, or hardware (for example, viruses, Trojan horses, worms, etc.).
  8. Copy in any way or re-sell any part of our site (unless explicitly agreed between us).
  9. Interfere with or damage any part of our site, equipment, network, software or storage arrangements.

4. Use of content

  1. Users of Street Art Cities upload several types of data to the platform. This includes images and description texts, but also contextual information about artworks, including title, geolocation, address details, artist names, dates and status information ("Metadata").
  2. Metadata is owned by the users of the platform that upload it, who have granted an exclusive license to Street Art Cities B.V. to use and distribute this data. You are not allowed to re-distribute this Metadata without express written permission of Street Art Cities B.V. or the original content owner.
  3. Images and description texts are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. This means yoou are free to use and display these works, as long as appropriate attribution/credit is given to the original creators of the work. We recommend contacting the creator to get express permission. It also means that derived works created from yours should carry the same license.

5. Disclosure to Courts

  1. If you have to disclose Confidential Information by order of a court or other public body you may do so.

6. Suspension and Termination

  1. If we think you have breached this policy, we will take whatever steps we think are necessary.These might include:
  2. Stopping your use of the site temporarily or permanently
  3. Removing material you have put on the site
  4. Sending you a warning
  5. Taking legal action
  6. Notifying the appropriate authorities.
  7. We exclude legal responsibility and cost for actions we take to deal with your breach of our policy.