
Dan BonssaiClaimed

Born in 1994
Madrid (Spain)
Zaragoza (Spain)

Born in the neighbourhood of Alameda de Osuna in Madrid, Daniel has become a multidisciplinary creative who works in the field of art and design. Inspired since he was a child by the works of Boamistura, collective that emerged in his neighbourhood, he started drawing and becoming interested in urban art at a very young age. After graduating in Industrial Design Engineering, he specialised in Ephemeral Architecture and participatory design methodologies. In 2019 he learns the techniques of muralism and it is from then on when he decides to dedicate himself professionally to urban art. Currently his work focuses mainly on large format works establishing a dialogue between communities, art, the city and the rural environment. In the same way that a small bonsai preserves the essence of a large tree, the Bonssai project aims to give voice to and connect with the most authentic and essential part of certain places or people, and transform it into something greater by using urban art as a medium to represent in large format. Symbols, nature and the human are the soul of these surrealist creations that aim to surprise and move the viewer.

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