
Breathh - 2020

Mural pintado tras el confinamiento causado por la covid 19 en mi barrio natal. Salir a la calle, sentir el aire en el pecho, acariciar las nubes, echar a volar como si el cielo fuera tuyo. Respirar, que ya hacía falta.


Mural painted after the lockdown caused by covid 19 in my home neighbourhood. To go out into the street, to feel the air in your chest, to caress the clouds, to fly as if the sky were your own. Breathe, which is what you need.

Created on September 1, 2024
C. de la Fuente del Pavo, 14, Barajas, 28042 Madrid, Spain
Added by the artist.

Marker details

Camera usedOlympus E-M1MarkII
Marker typeartwork