Route in Deventer

Sluiswijk "Muren & Buren" Route

About the Walls and Neighbours project
Local residents of Sluiswijk knocked on Rentree housing association's door in 2020. The bright white painted walls in the neighbourhood were not particularly attractive to them. The neighbours had a much better idea for those walls: street art! Rentree approached Street Art Streets, the collective for street art in Deventer, and together with the neighbourhood, Kunstcircuit, Kunstenlab and Voor Elkaar-Teams[LB1] , they developed the amazing street art project: 'Walls and Neighbours'. 
Stichting de Tijdmachine (The Time Machine Nonprofit)  travelled around the neighbourhood to collect and organise neighbourhood stories into various themes -from heroes to animals and from history to city pride. These themes were then translated into murals by nationally and internationally renowned street artists. 
The murals can be seen around the Gooijerstraat in Deventer. From there, you can easily walk from artwork to artwork. Want to know more about this project and other street art murals in Deventer? Then visit:  streetartstreets.nl. 

Look for cookies and biscuits in the murals !  
The name, Sluiswijk does not refer to a lock (sluis in Dutch) but to a local biscuit factory, Sluis, that was previously located in this neighbourhood.  The artists have all included a biscuit or cookie somewhere in their murals.  Can you find them?  Give it a try!
The Murals and Neighbours Project is a cooperation between:
The neighbourhood, Voor Elkaar Teams, Street Art Streets, Kunstcircuit, Rentree, Kunstenlab and Stichting de Tijdmachine.  Additionally Raster, Burnside and de Driehoek have all worked closely on this project. 
The Walls and Neighbours project has been made financially possible through support from:
Province Overijssel, the City of Deventer, WijDeventer, Oranje fonds, Prinse Bernard Cutural Funds, Wesselings van Breemen, Erven Wittenveen, Rentree, Kunstcircuit. 
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