
Hall omnisports de la Constitution

During the 2019 ‘Jam au Hall omnisports de la Constitution’, dozens of artists applied graffiti to the Hall omnisports. You can find work by Johnny Boy, Osrev, Dens, Hooker, Brife, Germ, Ortega, Rusty, Roes, Posey, Hyer, Dont, Ecto, Enof, Salo, Nespa, Kidar, Psoman, Bruce, Infar, Demk and Mekas, among others.

In 2021, Dazetwo further completed the ‘Hall of Fame’ with his double mural for the Street Art Trail project.

Two new works were recently installed on the left side of the building.

Bd de la Constitution 153, 4020 Liège, Belgium
Hunted by Erwin Tommissen.
Pictures by Erwin Tommissen (@erwintommissen).

Marker details

Camera usedSamsung SM-A525F
Marker typehall_of_fame