
Welcome to Singapore

Let us show you around this awesome place with its 193 street art masterpieces.

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Recently added artworks

Red House SeafoodProject DignityUntitledCommemorating Singapore's Hawker CultureLegend of the Fire FishThe Kampong Gelam MuralKg Basket ShopClog Maker & Kitchenware ShopHamid Store & Money ChangerChinatown MarketReminiscing Old Changi DaysDetective Conan in ChinatownCantonese OperaMy Chinatown HomeMid-Autumn Festival (庆中秋)Singapore RojakLetter WriterThian Hock Keng Mural 天福宫壁画Pasar and the Fortune TellerCoffee StoryChinatown DreamFrom Shoreline to SkylineBird Singing CornerSiren64 Club StreetThe Future of Our Last WildcatKampung SpiritPast (Memories), Present, FuturePhoenixBoogie in the DarkEat, Drink and Be MerryDrink UpLiving in HarmonyRollin' Good TimesAn Alternate ChinatownChinatown吃喝玩樂Prosper in Wealth

Our favorite places

The Solidarity Movement #2 SGP X IDNThe Solidarity Movement Thai x SGCuturi Gallery
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