
Welcome to Melbourne

Let us show you around this awesome place with its 2621 street art masterpieces.

Virusfreak79Andrew HaysomMatthew SlocumLou ChamberlinMovie Scientist

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Recently added artworks

Merrick WattsEnlist NowUntitledStyle BenderRobert WhittakerUntitledUntitledUntitledUntitledUncle Jack CharlesUntitledApsara Massage and SaunaExplosive Rainbow FlowerUntitledUntitledWombatUntitledMona ListenerVinizzi Social ClubUntitledThe Time DepotDr Alf BamblettWhitehart Dogpark DaysHere Comes the SunMamaSouthern Stars and Northern StarsUntitledWhite SwansPalm TreesThe LinksRed WattlebirdSlumbering KoalaMystical Frog / Lilies Ying and YangSmith St MuralBeaumaris Landmark MuralPink Robin

Our favorite places

Loop Colors AustraliaAC/DC LaneOff the Kerb GalleryARTCADEMcClelland Sculpture Park & GalleryBackwoods Gallery
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