
Welcome to Berlin

Let us show you around this awesome place with its 684 street art masterpieces.

Murals_worldwideMicha von Vaust4nc4

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Recently added artworks

UntitledFridaCutting cornersWhite dovesShark muralUntitledChronosCabeza en el cielo, pies en la tierraCobraUntitledHappy Monkey StyleDer KrokodilwächterBackflipWurzeln sind tiefer als Mauern UntitledUntitledUntitledOverthinking New York is king Berlin is King Kong We all here belong to the community" Chronos " 5 ElementsReturn To ZeroKlima Karussell (Climate Carousel)Goethe Selfie - BerlinOne LoveU BreitenbachplatzOdessa CatacombsDie PankeKottbusser Tor

Our favorite places

URBAN NATION: Museum for Urban Contemporary Art
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