

The idea proposed in this mural by Pref is based on the phrase "shake hands" in a woven style.
This phrase is mainly about collaboration. Every collaboration begins and ends with a handshake. Shaking hands is also a gesture of friendship and welcome.

Pref grew up in North West London and has developed his role and reputation as an international graffiti and mural artist for over 20 years, initially studying Design Communication at Chelsea Collage of Art and working as an art director before going on to focus full time on his art practice. The clear linear elements of his work and Pref's evolving interest in typography trespass across the borders of fine and graphic art in energetic and intriguing ways, and his work is highly regarded for its ingenious examination of the way we use and perceive lettering.

Created on October 13, 2022
Rue Paradis 68, 4000 Liège, België
Hunted by Tiny Tim.
Pictures by By Jules Cesure, Erwin Tommissen (@erwintommissen).

Marker details

Camera usedPanasonic DC-S5
Artist nationalityUK
Date created2022-10-13T22:00:00.000Z
FestivalMurs Grands Ouverts
Marker typeartwork