
This mural sits in the mayans ancestral homelands, before the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors in the 1530s. Some of the most celebrated Mayan dieties were gender fluid, sometimes switching from one identity to another or indeed represented as both.This was embraced by some of the most powerful leaders in the Mayan community who would emulate these otherworldly beings via cross dressing and gender ambiguity, it was seen as something to be admired and respected.
Historically we can also repeatedly see the squirl of colonisation creeping in, coiling in and out with no value for human life. Invasive and self serving, wearing a deflective mask of self righteous religion, carrying a core set of principles derived from deep rooted fear : power, greed, glory, perceived superiority, the never ending search for resources, land, control and dominance. The moral teachings of old twisted and misquoted for use as a justification to exterminate other faiths, enslave natives, and exploit people, lands and seas. This hypocrisy, and manipulation is played on loop till its a polished groove in our collective psychy, the danger is the numbness to that which can become background noise.

Created on January 10, 2025
9MVQ+WF, 77776 Akumal, Quintana Roo, Mexico
Added by the artist.

Marker details

Camera usedSony ILCE-7RM3
Date created
Marker typeartwork