
ARTgia sorgune & aretoa

ARTgia is a space of creation and exhibition. In permanent construction, blank, flexible, where everything can happen. The goal of ARTgia is to promote the conditions to create. A place that is a catalyst, where exchanges, dialogues and experimentation arise with creativity as a basis and contemporary creation as an end.

Sorgunea & Gallery
We place creativity, research, experimentation, innovation and artistic diffusion in a central position.

Murals - Transforming muralism
The transformative muralism is based on participatory muralism ... to improve it and change the way we understand what surrounds us. People become generators of such change and become part of new creative communities.

Artistic installations
From ARTgia we perform artistic installations performances and happenings for events or events such as talks, colloquiums, symposiums, galas….

Strategic lines

ARTgia sorgune & aretoa is committed to this objective and is committed to favoring the development of women's autonomy and empowerment and gender awareness and promoting the change of values ​​by eliminating sexist roles and stereotypes and prejudices regarding diversity and Gender identities also in the field of culture. Thus, gender is a transversal line to all its strategic lines.

The commitment from which this project is born is that of the visibility of the work of creative women. Show their processes, their ideas and developments and finally, disseminate the finished works generating new perspectives and bringing the scope of equity between women and men within the studies, institutions and current artistic discourses.

Support to emerging artists
ARTgia sorgune & aretoa proposes a space and context conducive to work in dialogue, allowing artists and creators from different backgrounds to develop projects and processes of experimentation and research around art and creativity. The richness of the interaction will be in the dialogues, articulations and works together.

The project has as one of its main purposes to focus on the promotion and development of art and emerging contemporary artists to promote creative activity, facilitate its promotion and dissemination of its work, while promoting its incorporation into the professional field. That is to say, it bets on the professionalization of the artists and the sector, favoring the cultural exchange between young creators of diverse origins and formations, understanding mobility as an incentive for professionalization, promoting its suprautonomic, national or international projection.

Basque language
ARTgia sorgune & aretoa is committed to the use of Basque as a vehicle language. That is why one of his first decisions was to join the Bai Euskarari network where he obtained the Zerbitzua Euskaraz Accreditation Seal that attests to the ability to offer all his services in Euskara.

ARTgia sorgune & aretoa thus joins the measures undertaken by the Basque Government in its General Plan for the Promotion of the Use of Euskera and its Euskara initiative 21. This project is born, therefore, with the vocation of being an asset in the promotion of use of Basque from the district of Judimendi, from the sociolinguistic reality of Vitoria - Gasteiz.

Innovation for social transformation
The concept of innovation is closely associated with development, the improvement of the economy or the increase in efficiency and profitability of organizations or companies, innovation in both products and processes is considered a necessity in the world of the 21st century. ARTgia sorgune & aretoa is committed to applying social innovation as a transversal line to the project. For applying innovation for social transformation to art and culture.

It tries, in short, to promote, through contemporary art and artistic practice, a cultural change that enhances values ​​linked to education, equality, diversity, participation or social responsibility of organizations and each person. These ideas are social both in the results and in the media and can generate genuine innovations or improved solutions of those already existing from our environment, from our reality.
Jose Lejarreta Kalea, 41, 01003 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Araba, España
Hunted by Inaki Landa.

Marker details

Date created2020-02-24T22:51:09.000Z
Marker typegallery