
Fragmentación de un entorno concreto

Inmaculada Escarcena Esteban, C1.2

Born in suburban streets as a form of political protest, street art has been considered for decades one of the most valuable forms of artistic expression. It has also become a perfect way to beautify neighborhoods, especially those that are less visited or fashionable, in order to transform them into tourist and cultural attractions. The murals in Estepona are part of an initiative that began a few years ago as a proposal for an international graffitti competition. 

The piece by Alberto Montés, an artist from Córdoba, evokes the avant-garde style of the early twentieth century. The simple act that it calls “Fragmentation of a Specific Environment” already indicates that it is a deconstruction, a leafy and a green landscape as a collage that has no apparent coherence because it lacks union since the pieces do not follow one another. A revealing painting that makes us reflect on haste and lack of necessary observation that society has toward its surroundings, as if we remember spaces in pieces because we do not pay attention.

This leafy mural by Montés testifies to the idea that the main function of street art is to be provocative: to generate reactions in the onlooker, to make us reflect and even to give rise to controversy.


Gema Domínguez Bracho, C1.2

This mural strikes a chord with me, so much that I can’t easily describe it in just a few words.

Having looked at this mural for some time, filled with a huge amount of plants in several shades of green, white, black and also tiny azure pieces here and there, I can perceive an idyllic jungle or a wilderness. Besides, an extremely prominent matter is the existence of a slender, bare woman in its core, which suggests that the author has probably created his own view of the Garden of Eden as well as the first encounter between Adam and Eve.

Not only am I sure that it is absolutely possible to discover a large quantity of elements (I can’t even figure out due to my inexperienced artistic eye), but I am also sure that the feelings this mural evokes for passersby are indeed remarkable.


Created on January 31, 2024
C. San Juan Bosco, 22, 29680 Estepona, Málaga, Spain
Hunted by Kato.
Pictures by Fabian Bravo Guerrero (Kato).

Marker details

Date created2024-01-31T23:00:00.000Z
Camera usedApple iPhone 13 Pro Max
Marker typeartwork