
Welcome to Traverse City

Let us show you around this awesome place with its 34 street art masterpieces.

Urbanartish     (Karyn) Oncu

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Recently added artworks

UntitledUntitledMusicSceneryUntitledSerenity's museLandscapeSunshine, butterflies and rainbows.GodzillaThe Boardman SerenadeTransformationUnlimited FlightUntitledBooks bring people together. Strong womenTraverse City postcardGreetings from Traverse CityUntitledFaceless ElfI spyWorkshop UntitledTentcraft Fox and BeesWoodland animals.Mazinaadin Exhibition- A digital mural Country lifeKeep on Truckin' Keep doing you- great stencilLilies of the AlleyBistro Fou FouThe Fox at Little FleetThe Coin Slot The Coin Slot originalFor my bro'
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