
Welcome to Pescara

Let us show you around this awesome place with its 28 street art masterpieces.

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MetamorphosisInterColturaOdysseySi salvi chi può METHYLACETOPHENONE & CROCOSMIA AUREASegnali Di VitaGeminiNocturnal PhaetonUntitled“Hey Siri, I’m Lost!”Iluminary PalaceCallalilyMural dedicated to Ignazio SiloneMural dedicated to Elvira (Fontamara)Ama Il Tuo Sogno Se Pur Ti TormentaUntitledLo sport è...Anche Tu Puoi Essere Un Supereroe!Un Mare Di Amore Bestiario Errante AdriaticoRadical ZombiesGiochi ProspetticiCoesioneUntitledLove Beats In Every HeartNomadic SignsWheatPaste during CovidMural by Millo
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