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Created on July 11, 2019
6 Ann St, Brunswick VIC 3056, Australia


This is another in Fin DAC's series of Hidden Beauties. The model is @heidichaloupka, who stands proud of her heritage. The third photo captures Fin and Heidi as the painting has just been completed. The fourth image shows a wall by Jimmy C painted within days of Fin finishing HIS wall.
Take the opportunity to walk down the laneway to the left (and beyond). This is Sunshine Lane and there are many great walls here. They change quite regularly.

Fin DAC—WajahbaruFin DAC—WajahbaruFin DAC—WajahbaruFin DAC—Wajahbaru
Hunted by Lou Chamberlin.

Marker details

Artist nationalityIreland
Date created2019-07-11T22:00:00.000Z
Keywords'Hidden Beauty' series
Marker typeartwork