Route in Livorno

Tour for all _ Accessible and free for people in wheelchair


Hi everyone !
My name is Cecilia I’m part of the Association MuraLi from Livorno.
I’m a girl with the passion of muralism…have you noticed? I’m a GIRL, not a disable girl!! In fact I can’t stand being considered for my disability and that’s it. I wish to have the possibility to visit the city and look at the murals. That’s the reason why I planned a tour totally accessible for a person that, as me, has to use the wheel-chair. :)
I think to a person who arrives in Livorno with the cruise, or by car. There is also the alternative of the train, and you’ll find the indication to reach the murals from all this points.
When you arrive by ship, you’ll take a special bus that stops in Luogo Pio square. If you come by train you have to take the bus LAM BLUE and you leave it in Grande Square. (in this case you can follow this instructions from point 9).
From there you should walk all straight on (on the left of the street) till a square, that it’s called Municipio Square (and you can see the new structure of the comune, and also the ancient one)
You should cross the streets in the all city only on the zebra cross, and make you sure that both the sides of the street have the access for the wheel chair (because it may not to be so for all the streets, but I’ll tell you where to go with the wheel chair).
The Municipio square is almost new, so is totally accessible!
You have to go at the very left side of the square, so you can admire the mural of Modigliani on the gate valve of the kiosk in this square.
Then you should go straight on under the gallery (follow the arcade, you must cross two roads).
Finally you’ll arrive in Grande Square and you must cross Grande Street (here you can see the Dome on your right).
Than you continue always straight on, following the street (that makes a semi-circle around the Dome  it’s called Largo Duomo). Here the sidewalk is beautifully large and accessible. After the pharmacy in the corner, there’s Santa Giulia Street, which is without cars and it brings you to Cavallotti Square: it is the TIPICAL place of the local market! (but there’s only in the morning)
You’ll cross this road and continue straight on you’ll pass under another gallery, but it’s shorter than the previous, indeed the arcade goes to the left, but it doesn’t matter you…you should continue always in front of you (you must cross three roads you’re in Cairoli Street, and you have to make all of it).
Now you’re in Cavour Square and you should cross it till the street that begins with the big red vases between a pharmacy in the corner and the Guess’ shop  This road is Ricasoli’s, and you have to make it all (both, Cavour square and Ricasoli street, are for pedestrian only, so you can stay in the middle, and in Ricasoli Street it’s recomandable because the sidewalks have a particular floor (which is not….wheels-friendly!;)).
When you will be at the end of this street,you’ll be in Attias Square (there you’ll find others big red vases) and another pharmacy in the corner on your right. 
From there (THAT corner) you can go on the sidewalk, and it’s important because there are a lot of cars in this square!
You have to follow the sidewalk on your right side !!! Maybe you will find cars in the opposite sense so be careful (and it goes in the first road on your right  this is Roma Street). Before entering in this street, look to the statue there: he’s Modigliani! It’s there because that street has the first Modì’s house he was born there; and also there is a little museum.
You should go only a bit along this street to see the first marvellous mural! You’ll pass a fantastic shop on your right that sells sweets and chocolate called Delì (and in which you can have the discount if you subscribe the MURALI CARD! The mural is on your right and it’s very big. It was made from a french artist called Arnauld Liard, that worked on it in 2019.
Now you have to walk along Roma street till the corner (here you’ll find a Bakery Pizzi and in front of you there’s a supermarket Pam).
When you arrive at the corner, you should turn right following the sidewalk, but if you are by wheel, it will be better for you to cross the street (on the zebra cross) because here the sidewalk is very large and more flat…but when you’ll arrive at the end of this sidewalk, you must change side crossing the road (and be very careful )
On your left you’ll see a big green iron gate that brings in a fabulous wood: the external wall is going to be painted from an artist called “LUCAMALEONTE”.
Now you have to “walk” till the end of the street (that is Cecconi Street).
You should arrive in a point with four streets; and you should go left ( this is Corso Mazzini). You can follow the sidewalk, but play attention ‘cause this Street has a lot of traffic and the sides are thin, broken and with a lot of obstacles .
You must cross the street when you are in front of a very little road, but be carefull because there aren’t zebra cross, and you have to cross the street now because on the other side there is the step for cars soand  for all types of wheel!
Then you have to go straigt on till the first corner (always carefully ‘cause you’re seeing the worst sidewalk of the city ;-P)and turn right in Borgo dei Cappuccini.
Now go straight on and at the first corner move your head up and look at the big mural made by zed 1 in 2017.
Now if you continue on Borgo dei Cappuccini you’ll arrive to a street called Carrozzieri St.  turn right and go in it (but if you are by wheel I suggest you to go down from the sidewalk and go on the street because there aren’t many cars, the sense is only one and the sides let them wish 😉)
When you arrive at the half of this road, you should look at the big third wall painted by Moneyless in 2019 he is a italian artist specialized in abstract painting.
Now you can continue on Carrozzieri St. and at the end you turn left and left again (at the next corner).
You’re in Verdi Street. You’ve to go down there till the corner (you must stay on the sidewalk because the traffic goes in the opposite sense; for this reason stay there both with the wheelchair or not…but always playing attention!)
When you arrive at the crossroad between Verdi Street and Borgo Cappuccini, I suggest you to turn left to try the restaurant  there: Cantina Senese! You can eat really good and it isn’t expansive! This place is next to RED HOUSE TATTO and with the MuraLi-Card you have a lot of special discounts for many shops of this neighborhood (you’ll find the liat of all of them on the web site at www.mura-li.com) SO, WHAT ARE YOU WAITNG FOR???DO A LITTLE OFFER (5€) AND JOIN US IN THE ASSOCIATION AND CATCH THE MURA-LI CARD!! 
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