Ondarroa, Spain
Sabotaje El Montaje was invited for the Kaminazpi Artist Residency program. This 3 week ar...
Milan, Italy
The mural's district is known to be a neighbourhood where women hold the most impactful po...
Tbilisi, Georgia
Part of the Tbilisi Mural FestThe mural represents the change of stage of a society, the t...
Melgar, Colombia
I once came across the movie "They live." The issue of putting on sunglasses to see people...
Sao Paolo, Brazil
The mural made by Mundano to promote the Cinzas da Floresta documentary: "Artivist Mu...
Melbourne, Australia
This sobering image painted by Peter Seaton @ctoart reminds us that We Are One. War is mea...
New York City, United States
Patty Mills, the Brooklyn Nets and creative agency Street Theory celebrated unveiling a ne...
Lisbon, Portugal
Bordallo II did this half weasel to replace the half fish that have been there for many ye...
Detroit, United States
With this mural Smug highlights what can be achieved when people’s race or ethnicity do no...
Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The title of the work comes from a xenophobic clash during the painting process and aims t...
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Normally Irene climbes the buildings in her home country of Brasil without using any safet...
Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands, U.S.
"The idea behind 'Caught Between The Devil andThe Deep Blue' was to raise the impossible c...
Painted may 2023Check out SNIKs description on their art:https://www.instagram.com/p/CsUG7...
Lynn, United States
97% of actively publishing scientists agree climate change is real and human-caused. There...