

Born in 1991
Huelva (España)
21710 Bollullos Par del Condado (España)

Before 2009 Spray for fun in my hometown. From 2009 till 2016, I studied architecture in Catalunya using the drawing to express myself. In Berlin getting into the wave until 2018. Then I had a choice to have my own studio in the south of Spain, in a small village next to Seville. My artworks talks about how the contemporary city souls feels. Using one of the biggest tabu nowadays through one of the biggest current taboos in society such as mental health. Between dark streets the individuals jump from one present to another almost unconsciously, immerse in the routine and daily work. Fake humans dive into a continuous limbo by psychopharmaceuticals drugs slide through their own reality like zombies. They’re dragged into a unstoppable cycle of seeking pleasure and escaping pain A interpretation of emotions, through portraits in which, beyond capturing figurative reality, an attempt is made to outline an emotional state of the protagonist. Ambiguous and contradictory expression that shows at the same time, from the strength of the human will to “LIVE”, to the emotional fragility of contemporary individuals who survive as best they can to avoid falling into “SUICIDE”

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