
Illuminating the Past of our Native American First Settlers

This vinyl art wrap is part of an ongoing effort to enhance and beautify downtown Gilbert's corridors and pathways. It's located at the Hearne Way Parking Garage and is on the north side facing the Western Powerline Trail. Titled Illuminating the Past of our Native American First Settlers, this vinyl wrap was created by former Arizona resident Rosa Cruz and is 94" tall. “I take as inspiration the Native American Heritage of Arizona, as a form of bringing awareness of the original inhabitants of Gilbert, and to celebrate and take care to learn more about the traditions and culture of our indigenous culture and community.” - Rosa Cruz

Source: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/f334975102c444a999402dd8fb33d8c1

Created on February 16, 2025
30 E Hearne Way, Gilbert, AZ 85234, USA
Hunted by StefaniePHX.
Pictures by Town of Gilbert.

Marker details

Date created
Marker typeartwork
CityPhoenix, AZ
CountryUnited States