In a world where blue predominates, an isolated hermit receives a visit from an unusual traveler who brings messages from the future. Based on an ancient tale where a lonely rabbit recognises his individuality through the experiences shared by a raven sent by the stars. A lesson on how an ambitious heart discovers its potential through experiences with the new and the unknown. A true celebration of individuality and the quest for uncharted horizons."
Access | Public |
Date created | 2023-09-15T23:00:00.000Z |
Festival | Festival Fenda |
Camera used | Canon PowerShot SX70 HS |
Artwork type | Illustration |
Artwork subject | Local Heritage, history |
Building | Parking Area |
Commissioned | Câmara Municipal de Braga, Circus Network |
Artist nationality | Angola |
Artwork style | Figurative |
Surface type | Outdoor wall |
Festival link | |
Marker type | artwork |
City | Braga |
Country | Portugal |