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Mural lobos

Este mural fue realizado por los artistas gaber y jhard en el cual realizaron unos lobos por su significado espiritual,ya que el lobo es el maestro de los maestros. De esta forma, el tótem lobo elige ser el guía espiritual de aquellos que entienden en profundidad la vida y su forma de ser. De este modo, el lobo representa la fe y la comprensión profunda.
This mural was made by the artists Gaber and Jhard in which they made some wolves for their spiritual meaning, since the wolf is the teacher of teachers. In this way, the wolf totem chooses to be the spiritual guide of those who deeply understand life and its way of being. In this way, the wolf represents faith and deep understanding.
Created on March 22, 2023
Hermenegildo Galeana 114, Obrera, 37340 León, Gto., México

Hunted by IMJU.

Marker details

Marker typeartwork
CityLeón MX