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Tattoo Kamir

In the painting, a delicate female face is represented surrounded by a motley and surreal decorative ensemble that includes flowers, playing card symbols, an owl, a hummingbird, and even a lizard. Crowning the head, some musical notes seem to evoke musical headphones.

En la pintura, se representa un delicado rostro femenino rodeado por un abigarrado y surrealista conjunto decorativo en el que figuran flores, simboles de naipes, un búho, un colibrí, y hasta una lagartija. Coronando la cabeza, unas notas musicales parecen evocar unos cascos de música.

Created on March 8, 2024
C. Sevilla, 5, 11201 Algeciras, Cádiz, Spain
Hunted by Kato.

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