Na de tweedaagse 'Limburgia Tattoo Convention' in het Thor Park volgde de 'aftermath' graffitijam waarin vele artiesten die op de tattoobeurs aanwezig waren graffiti aanbrachten op de brug nabij de Vennestraat.
Dit werk is van de uit Tournai (Doornik) afkomstige graffitiartiest Mahou. Hij is de eigenaar van 'La Graffilerie' een atelier en street art expositieruimte in Tournai. Mahou is ook hunter voor Street Art Cities in Tournai.
The two-day ‘Limburgia Tattoo Convention’ at Thor Park was followed by the ‘aftermath’ graffiti jam in which many artists present at the tattoo fair applied graffiti on the bridge near Vennestraat.
This work is by Tournai-based graffiti artist Mahou. He owns ‘La Graffilerie’, a studio and street art exhibition space in Tournai. Mahou is also a hunter for Street Art Cities in Tournai.
Camera used | Samsung SM-A525F |
Artist nationality | Belgium |
Date created | 2024-12-01T23:00:00.000Z |
Festival | Limburgia Tattoo Convention |
Marker type | artwork |
City | Genk |
Country | Belgium |