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Goal 10 – Reduce inequalities

The Street art for Rights project was born with the intention of bringing art to neighborhoods with difficult contexts on the outskirts of Rome, adopting the 17 Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations and filtering them with the eye of contemporary art. The goal is to give artistic substance to the action plan for people, the planet and prosperity promoted by the UN, bringing the community closer to the various themes and encouraging discussion about the pressing problems of the contemporary era.

In this third edition the artists, selected for their civil commitment as well as for their sign and artistic impact, have created 8 walls in the Settecamini, Ponte Mammolo and San Paolo districts, dedicated to the Global Goals from 10 to 17 of the Agenda 2030. All the artists have returned, each from their own personal point of view, a powerful image of the key concept of sustainable development. Furthermore, all the walls were made using the special paints of the AirLite patent, products that are able to transform polluting agents into salt molecules and start the photosynthesis process.

Goal 10 – Reduce inequalities
Actorep, with his romantic portraits that lead to reflection on increasingly fragile human relationships, interpreted the Global Goal number 10, or Reduce inequalities. The masonry represents two faces, placed one in front of the other, unidentifiable by race, ethnicity and gender thanks to the abstraction of color. The two figures look into each other's eyes, with a look of affection, love and inclusion.
"Inequalities may arise from gender, geographical location, age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, social class and religion, and continue to exist within and between countries, affecting equal access, opportunities and outcomes. In some parts of the world, these disparities are becoming more apparent.
I was born and currently live in Calabria, and I believe that we Calabrian citizens are certainly less fortunate than other citizens who may live in the north of the country or abroad, and do you know why?
Because if you have a health problem and need treatment, you're either lucky or you have to travel at least 1000 km to receive the necessary treatment.
Because thousands of young people every year are forced to leave their land in search of a job and emigrate elsewhere.
So I ask myself: shouldn't the right to health belong to all Italian citizens?": shares the artist.
Obiettivo 10 – Ridurre le diseguaglianze
Attorep, con i suoi ritratti romantici che conducono alla riflessione alle relazioni umane sempre più fragili, ha interpretato il Global Goal numero 10, ovvero Ridurre le diseguaglianze. L’opera muraria rappresenta due volti, posti uno di fronte all’altro, non identificabili per razza, etnia e sesso grazie all’astrazione del colore. Le due figure si guardano negli occhi, con uno sguardo di affetto, di amore e di inclusione. 
"Le disuguaglianze possono essere derivanti da genere, posizione geografica, età, etnia, disabilità, orientamento sessuale, classe sociale e religione, continuano a esistere all’interno e fra i diversi Paesi, condizionando parità di accesso, opportunità e esiti. In alcune parti del mondo, queste disparità stanno diventando più evidenti.
Io sono nato e vivo attualmente in Calabria, e credo che noi cittadini calabresi sicuramente siamo meno fortunati di altri cittadini che magari vivono nel nord del paese o all’estero, e sapete perché ?
Perché se hai un problema di salute e hai bisogno di cure, o sei fortunato oppure devi farti 1000 km almeno per ricevere le cure necessarie.
Perché migliaia di giovani ogni anno sono costretti a lasciare la propria terra in cerca di un lavoro ed emigrare altrove.
Allora mi domando: ma il diritto alla salute non dovrebbe essere di tutti i cittadini italiani?": condivide l'artista
Created on October 16, 2022
Via di Settecamini, 108, 00131 Roma RM, Italië
Hunted by Tiny Tim.
Pictures by provided by Street Art for Rights.

Marker details

Date created2022-10-16T22:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork