Il Pane (The Bread) is the title of Marco Réa's mural that took shape on an electrical cabin of via Schiavazzi, in Sant'Elia neighborhood. The mural, created with the stencil technique, represents a universal element that embraces all of humankind: bread, a symbol of life and sharing. Little pieces of Carasau, a typical Sardinian crisp bread, float on the walls of the cabin, following the verses of the nursery rhyme “Il Pane” by Gianni Rodari, taken from the 1960 book “Filastrocche in cielo e in terra”, to reach the faces of two young people with dreamy eyes, symbol of hope for a better future. Réa paints his crumbs gold because bread is the most precious and essential good of life, much like hope, which nourishes the soul and encourages positive changes. Réa's artwork is included in “Cabine d’Autore”, urban regeneration, sustainability, and proximity to communities’ project promoted by E-Distribuzione.