
Trust me!

The motive was developed when I researched the amount of data Facebook and other social media harvest from their users. Here, only a very small amount of that is shown but includes sensitive information such as credit card balances, sexual orientation, alcohol use, personal address etc. During the research I wondered how easy it would be for someone with that much information to become the president, POTUS-Mark Zuckerberg, and added the president’s seal with a slightly changed slogan “One to rule them all”.

Later, the Cambridge Analytica scandal broke and showed how much Facebook/Zuckerberg was involved in hampering with the US-elections, Brexit and whatnot. Mark Zuckerberg smiling like a choir boy is eager to know everything about us but himself shares none of the sensitive information with the public.

Do you trust Mark Zuckerberg?

Created on June 8, 2024
1 Les Bruyères de Béguin, 03320 Lurcy-Lévis, France
Added by the artist.

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