
Conan the barbarian

Mural made for the event 'Walking among candles 2023', thanks to the Vícar City Council @vivevicar and the San Benito Residents Association, in the Villa de Vicar. This year with a CINEMA theme.

Moxaico said "One of my favorite movies could not be missing, which was also filmed in the area, with the Temple of Thulsa Doom, on the Bernal rock".

Created on August 20, 2023
C. Bo. Alto, 2, 04738 Vícar, Almería, Spain
Hunted by Mjosé Rivas.
Pictures by Mjosé Rivas.

Marker details

Date created2023-08-20T10:04:00.000Z
Camera usedApple iPhone 13 Pro
Marker typeartwork