
Unser Land in Arbeit

BMAS, Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, has launched the campaign “Our country in work”. 10 murals in 10 cities across the country tell the story of a wide variety of people and their reasons for working. Since 25.9.2024 throughout the country – and – who would have thought it – in Essen too! Auftragsart, graffiti agency from Goch, used a total of 5 teams of artists from different regions of Germany and Europe to create the murals. In Essen 21-year-old Damian Strauß is shown, who is training to become a plant mechanic for pipe system technology at Berliner Wasserbetriebe.
Created on September 24, 2024Removed
Limbecker Pl. 10, 45127 Essen, Germany
Hunted by Andrea Ranke (streetartwalks) .
Pictures by Andrea Ranke (10/2024).

Marker details

Date created2024-09-24T22:00:00.000Z
Camera usedLEICA CAMERA AG V-Lux 5
Marker typeartwork