

The project is curated by Arte Pubblica

L’opera tratta della leggenda di Pico e Pomona che narra di Pico, figlio del dio Saturno, follemente innamorato della Dea Pomona, divinità protettrice di giardini e di frutteti. Pico, per poter entrare nel palazzo della Dea Pomona, si era travestito da vecchia. La Dea Pomona accolse la vecchia come una buona amica ma Pico ad un certo punto riprese le sue vere sembianze. Questo cambiamento fece un certo effetto alla Dea Pomona la quale comunque finì per cedere alle richieste di Pico accettandolo per sposo. La Dea Circe era innamorata di Saturno, padre di Pico, ma allo stesso tempo era respinta dallo stesso, quindi volle vendicarsi sul figlio e trasformò Pico in un uccello: il Picchio. Successivamente Picchio, che nel frattempo si era consacrato al Dio Marte, incontrò una tribù di giovani Sabini che era in viaggio alla ricerca di nuove terre ed era scesa fino al Mare Adriatico. Il Picchio si posò sulle loro insegne, e ciò venne interpretato come un segno della benevolenza degli dei. I giovani Sabini si stanziarono lungo le rive del fiume Tronto, si unirono con le popolazioni autoctone e fondarono la civiltà Picena. L’artista Vesod Brero, quindi, prendendo ispirazione dalla leggenda, ha rappresentato l’amore tra Pomona e Pico, dopo la sua metamorfosi: un amore che nonostante tutto va avanti. E’ così che, diventato picchio, Pico scolpisce l’amata Pomona in un tronco d’albero.


The work deals with the legend of Pico and Pomona, which tells of Pico, son of the god Saturn, madly in love with the Goddess Pomona, the patron deity of gardens and orchards. Pico, in order to enter the palace of the Goddess Pomona, had disguised himself as an old woman. The Goddess Pomona welcomed the old woman as a good friend of hers, but at a certain point, Pico took on her true form again. This change had a certain effect on the Goddess Pomona, who, however, gave in to Pico’s requests by accepting him as her husband. The Goddess Circe was in love with Saturn, Pico’s father, but at the same time, she was rejected by him, so she wanted to take revenge on her son and transform Pico into a bird: the Woodpecker. Subsequently, Picchio, who in the meantime had consecrated himself to the God Mars, met a tribe of young Sabines who were travelling in search of new lands and had descended to the Adriatic Sea. The Woodpecker landed on their banners, and this was interpreted as a sign of the benevolence of the gods. The young Sabines settled along the banks of the Tronto River, united with the native populations and founded the Picena civilization. Therefore, the artist Vesod Brero, taking inspiration from the legend, represented the love between Pomona and Pico after his metamorphosis: a love that continues despite everything. This is how, having become a woodpecker, Pico sculpts his beloved Pomona into a tree trunk." Vesod

The project is curated by Arte Pubblica and, together with other 2 artworks by Ufocinque and Taquen in other location of Ascoli Piceno, is part of  "Generazioni interconnesse" (Interconnected Generations) Art project. Vesod, in the planning phase first, and once he arrived in Ascoli Piceno, met with the residents of the building about his artistic proposal. He also met with children from the neighborhood in an art workshop. The aim was to create a bridge between generations, a table of participation to encourage an exchange of ideas and views, to support generative thinking and enrich the participants. All this was achieved thanks to urban art and all the protagonists involved.

Created on March 24, 2024
Via Zandonai, 1, 63100 Ascoli Piceno AP, Italy
Hunted by Tiny Tim.
Pictures by Daniele Castelli + Oldboy film creation + Simone La Mantia.

Marker details

Camera usedDJI FC3170
Date created2024-03-24T23:00:00.000Z
OrganizationArte Pubblica, Associazione culturale Defloyd
Marker typeartwork
CityAscoli Piceno