
El arte a través de la mirada

Mural "Art through the gaze"

In this mural that I have made in Cartaya, I wanted to represent the look of a child with intense and smiling eyes with a face full of textures of paintings.

Each stain of color is unique, reflecting the infinite imagination of each child.

The idea comes from a set of drawings of the school's own students in which they showed the creative side of the students themselves.

This 17x7m mural pined with sprays.

Mural “El arte a través de la mirada”

En este mural que he realizado en Cartaya, he querido representar la mirada de un niñ@ con unos ojos intensos y risueños con un rostro lleno de texturas de pinturas.

Cada mancha de color es única, reflejando la imaginación infinita de cada niño.

La idea viene de un conjunto de dibujos de los propios alumnos del colegio en los que mostraban el lado creativo de los propios alumnos.

Este mural de 17x7m pinado con sprays.

Created on February 22, 2024
C. Gracia, 43, 21450 Cartaya, Huelva, Spain
Hunted by Kato.

Marker details

Marker typeartwork