
Half Snow Wolf

Mural by Bordalo II for No Limit Street Art Borås 2015. More information about No Limit, here.

Artur Bordalo A.K.A. Bordalo II
I was born in 87 in Lisbon and my youth was spent between watching my grandfather – the painter Real Bordalo – working in his water colors, and living the experiences brought by illegal graffiti to those who dedicate their time to it. Gradually, I started transforming my habits and channeling my motivation into building a body of work dedicated to my worries and ecological conscience.

Today I present a series of interventions built with pieces of garbage, waste and pollution itself to recreate images of nature.

Acknowledgement is important but my main role is to be an activist, calling attention and raising awareness to the fact that Humanity is destroying, with its disposable habits, the world where it lives and in which it lives with other fantastic beings.

“Big Trash Aninals”
Big Trash Animals is a series of artworks that aims to draw attention to a current problem that is likely to be forgotten, become trivial or a necessary evil. The problem involves waste production, materials that are not reused, pollution and its effect on the planet.

The idea is to depict nature itself, in this case animals, out of materials that are responsible for its destruction.

These works are built with end-of-life materials: the majority found in wastelands, abandoned factories or randomly and some are obtained from companies that are going through a recycling process.

Damaged bumpers, burnt garbage cans, tires and appliances are just some of the objects that can be identified when you go into detail. They are camouflaging the result of our habits with little ecological and social awareness.

Created on August 24, 2017Removed
Sven Eriksonsplatsen, Borås, Sverige
Hunted by Anders Kihl.

Marker details

Date created2017-08-24T22:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork