
Yoko Tsuno

A year after the fresco by René Hausman was inaugurated, a facade-sized painting of another great cartoonist from Verviers, Roger Leloup, was added here in 2018.

It is therefore not surprising that the fresco depicts the famous heroine Yoko Tsuno. The first comic with this Japanese lady in the lead was already published in 1970. The series is still running and the last album dates from 2019. The drawing of the fresco is from 'The Pagoda of the Nebulae' from 2001 (album 23).

The fresco was not handcrafted by an individual artist, but the copy of the drawing from the album was produced by the non-profit association 'Art Mural' (Brussels).

The original drawing is transferred to large sheets of tracing paper of 0.8 x 2.5 meters with numerous holes; The tracing paper is applied to the wall and painted. The paint runs through the holes and when the paper is removed, the drawing is on the wall. Then the drawing is updated by hand.

Created on August 31, 2018
Rue Peltzer de Clermont 119, 4800 Verviers, België
Hunted by Jan Rymenams.
Pictures by Jan Rymenams.

Marker details

Artist nationalityBelgium
KeywordsYoko Tsuno, comic strip, Japan
Date created2018-08-31T22:00:00.000Z
OrganizationArt Mural
Marker typeartwork