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Vital Alsar School

With the "VITAL OKUDA crowdfunding", the AMPA of the Vital Alsar school in Santander, has obtained funding for the Santander artist, known internationally as Okuda San Miguel, to paint it on the outside and turn it into a work of artThe objective of Okuda is to achieve "That the school is as beautiful on the outside as it has known it on the inside" and thus achieve a better world for children------------

Con el "crowdfunding VITAL OKUDA", el AMPA del colegio Vital Alsar de Santander, ha conseguido la financiación para que el artista santanderino, conocido internacionalmente como Okuda San Miguel, lo pinte por fuera y lo converta en una obra de arte 
El objetivo de Okuda es conseguir “Que el colegio este tan bonito por fuera como lo ha conocido por dentro” y así conseguir un mundo mejor para los niños 
Created on December 24, 2018
C.E.I.P. Vital Alsar, Calle Inés Diego de Noval, Santander, España
Hunted by Juan Soberón.
Pictures by elpariente.

Marker details

Date created2018-12-24T23:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork