
The 2 Puffins

Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica): "Despite the abundance of this Auk at a large range, the Atlantic puffin is on the IUCN red list. A solitary bird at sea the puffin is a monogamous creature, returning to the coast to mate and eat a sandeel sandwich at the Lonely Lunch Box.": describes the artist on his socials.

Painted on a shutter, so being an early bird is a bonus on this one.

Created for the Penge Street Art Project

The Penge Street Art Project is an unfunded, non-profit initiative dedicated to bringing vibrant street art to Penge, South London. Established in January 2015 by London Calling Blog, the project is run by a passionate group of volunteers who share a love for street art and its power to transform urban spaces.

Independent of businesses or council organizations, the project operates without external funding, ensuring a public platform for art free from advertising or commercial influence. By working closely with both artists and residents, the initiative helps shape and manage public spaces, brightening the area and enriching the lives of the people who live there.

Since its inception, the project has facilitated over 700 street artworks across South London, turning Penge into a recognized open-air gallery. With a constantly evolving collection of murals—from local and international artists—the project continues to foster a dynamic and engaging street art scene, making art accessible to all.

Check the full Penge map here

Created on June 11, 2019
2 Anerley Station Rd, London SE20 8PT, UK
Hunted by Matt Flain.

Marker details

Camera usedOnePlus IN2023
Date created2019-06-11T22:03:00.000Z
FestivalPenge Street Art
OrganizationLondon Calling Blog
Marker typeartwork
CountryUnited Kingdom