
La faena


Mural created for the Fuente Victoria Town Hall as a tribute to Rural Women, history, and heritage.

After the grape harvest, the grapes had to be cleaned and packaged, a task performed by the women. The cleaners would leave the village with their own chair, apron, scissors, a plate or small basin to dispose of the grapes, and their baskets or sacks of supplies. They would sit on a chair, have a box of dirty grapes, and another to put in the clean ones.

At first, the work was done in the valley itself, on the terraces where the grapes were picked. If there was a farmhouse, the porch or some warehouse would be used. Later, the work began to be done in large warehouses, where the grapes were transported from the fields.

Women were an essential part of these tasks, combining their domestic duties with other occupations outside the home, those specific to the productive and commercial cycle of the product.


Mural realizado para el Ayuntamiento de Fuente Victoria como homenaje a la Mujer Rural, historia y patrimonio.

Tras la recolección de la uva era preciso limpiar y envasar la uva, trabajo que realizaban las mujeres; las limpiadoras salían del pueblo con su propia silla, delantal, tijeras, plato o lebrillo pequeño para echar la granuja y sus cestos o capazas de avío, estás se sentaban en una silla tenían una caja de uva sucia y otra para echar la limpia.

Al principio, la faena se hacía en la propia vega, en los bancales donde se recogía la uva, si había un cortijo se aprovechaba el porche o algún almacén que tuviese. Más tarde, se fueron haciendo las faenas en grandes almacenes, donde se transportaba la uva desde el campo.

Las mujeres eran parte esencial en estas labores, uniendo a su quehacer doméstico y otras ocupaciones fuera del hogar, las propias del momento del ciclo productivo y comercial del producto.

Created on March 17, 2025
C. Arroyo, 1, 04479 Fuente Victoria, Almería, Spain
Added by the artist.
Pictures by MOXAICO.

Marker details

Camera usedSamsung SM-G991B
Marker typeartwork
CityEl Ejido