
Cara liberdade

Miguel Ángel Calvo, nicknamed O'Mighelo, wanted to reflect his vision of the cycle or "circus" of life. In the words of the author: “Towards freedom, in search of freedom; wanting or not, the truth is that with much more assiduity than we are sometimes aware, very few remorse, and almost total impunity, we pour streams of blood in its name, "liberdade" (freedom); freely without caring at all about the tears of other people who are losing their own ...” Thus, the theme of this mural is the struggle for the search for freedom, which sometimes even costs life and a lot of blood. The figure that simulates an acrobat hanging by a thread represents the path of the human being in life, accompanied by the notion of uncertainty that sometimes involves the pursuit of a new life, with the ignorance of destiny, hence the question marks that you can see around the "acrobat". The concept of life is represented by the umbilical cord, which held by two children, is connected at the other end to a wire with thorns in the shape of a heart, as a symbol of the life-death connection in this context of uncertainty.

This work was part of “Derrubando muros con pintura” 2016.

Created on December 31, 2015
Rúa Lagoa, 24, Carballo, España
Hunted by Sara P. Lantes.

Marker details

Date created2015-12-31T23:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork