
Goal 15 - Life on earth

The Street art for Rights project was born with the intention of bringing art to neighborhoods with difficult contexts on the outskirts of Rome, adopting the 17 Goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations and filtering them with the eye of contemporary art. The goal is to give artistic substance to the action plan for people, the planet and prosperity promoted by the UN, bringing the community closer to the various themes and encouraging discussion about the pressing problems of the contemporary era.

In this third edition the artists, selected for their civil commitment as well as for their sign and artistic impact, have created 8 walls in the Settecamini, Ponte Mammolo and San Paolo districts, dedicated to the Global Goals from 10 to 17 of the Agenda 2030. All the artists have returned, each from their own personal point of view, a powerful image of the key concept of sustainable development. Furthermore, all the walls were made using the special paints of the AirLite patent, products that are able to transform polluting agents into salt molecules and start the photosynthesis process. 

 Goal 15 - Life on earth

Goal 15 is represented by Natalia Rak's work: a child, or perhaps a creature of the woods while sitting on a log, as in the fairytale tradition, plays the flute, which through its melody gives life to a dance of plants, flowers and butterflies. The creature is sitting on a cut tree trunk, a symbol of deforestation and desertification, and it is on it that he plays, instilling positivity and hope: it is not too late to stop and start new life. 
 Obiettivo 15 – Vita sulla terra

Il goal 15 è rappresentato dall’opera di Natalia Rak: un bambino, o forse una creatura dei boschi mentre seduto su un tronco, come nella tradizione fiabesca, suona il flauto, che attraverso la sua melodia dà vita ad una danza di piante, fiori e farfalle. La creatura è seduta su un tronco tagliato, simbolo di deforestazione e desertificazione e proprio su di esso suona, infondendo positività e speranza: non è troppo tardi per fermarsi e dare inizio a nuova vita. 

Created on November 21, 2022
Via di Settecamini, 108, 00131 Roma RM, Italië
Hunted by Tiny Tim.
Pictures by provided by Street Art for Rights.

Marker details

Date created2022-11-21T23:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork