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In 2015, the artists Okuda San Miguel and Jose Luis Serzo created this mural for the Desvelarte festival, a public art festival. This piece is located in Santander, capital city of Cantabria.
To paint this mural, they used the spraying technique, but also paint for walls. It is 15 meters high and 8 meters wide.
It represents the oldest carnival celebration in Spain: la Vijanera, which takes place in Silió, a small town in the south of Cantabria. We can see the bear is the main figure of the composition and there are also different typical characters of this carnival (zamarrones and traperos). The boat where they are may symbolize the continuity of this traditional celebration within a very different and modern society. 
Information retrieved from: https://artesingularcantabria.blog/2017/12/08/okuda-y-santander-serzokudaland/
Picture retrieved from: https://farm1.staticflickr.com/622/21958744821_6306de569d_z.jpg
Created on December 31, 2014
Paseo del General Dávila, 260, 39006 Santander, Cantabria, España
Hunted by Claudia Cavada.

Marker details

Date created2014-12-31T23:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork