
Tour Street Art GDL

#tourstreetartGDL is an experience oriented in the art of graffiti and street art to (re)cognize Guadalajara city through its walls in one of the most colorful neighborhoods of the most graffiti city in Mexico in the 90s. A journey through the color and history of the murals, their connection to the neighborhood and the impact they have on the city. Come to know Guadalajara and let yourself be surprised by what THE STREET HAS SOMETHING TO SAY. To enjoy this activity it is not necessary to have a previous interest in art, you just need curiosity and a welcome to the fantasy, the colors and meanings of the walls that are found in a fresh and unconventional way. The street art in the city is constantly changing, so the murals may be different than those shown here, prepare to be amazed. An experience that you simply cannot miss. By @karenmoramx @tourstreetartGDL
Café Correcto, Calle Prisciliano Sánchez, Colonia Americana, Americana, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México

Marker details

Date created2020-09-09T14:43:36.000Z
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