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Created on May 23, 2022
Av. du Paquebot des Sables, 66420 Le Barcarès, France

Fish and Prawn

New work by Spanish artist Juanjo Surace (@juanjosurace) for the 2nd edition of the Barcarès StreetArt Open Air Museum (https://instagram.com/barcaresstreetartmuseum_off?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=). Work done in a ship container by the so the theme is absolutely spot on and beautifully executed
Juanjo Surace—Fish and PrawnJuanjo Surace—Fish and PrawnJuanjo Surace—Fish and PrawnJuanjo Surace—Fish and PrawnJuanjo Surace—Fish and Prawn

Hunted by Movie Scientist. Pictures by Moviescientist.

Marker details

Marker typeartwork
CityLe Barcarès