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Created on July 7, 2020
Waaistraat 2, 9000 Gent, België

OMGVanEyckWasHere - Flowers

A unique fusion of flowers and street art. Cee Pil and the flowers shop Blommm worked together on a mural inspired by the classic painter Van Eyck and his altar piece. The flowers will fade away, and then you will be able to see more details from this work by Cee Pil.
Hint: look up !

Cee Pil—OMGVanEyckWasHere - FlowersCee Pil—OMGVanEyckWasHere - Flowers
Hunted by Ferdinand Feys.
Pictures by Ferdinand Feys / Street Art Ghent.

Marker details

Date created2020-07-07T22:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork