

2840 Seixal (Portugal)
2840 Seixal (Portugal)

A set of letters form the pseudonym Ketam, the signature by which Mário Santos' works are born. He was born in Lisbon. He spends most of his time on the south bank, between Seixal and Almada. The adventure in this meeting of ideas with the public began in mid-1998, when he started sketching his first images on murals. He has presented his work in countless activities, making his presence felt in various events and environments. Painting is the main focus of his involvement with the arts. Along the way, she has been involved in various exhibitions and live paintings, receiving a number of honours. His painting is strongly characterised by its figurative side. It takes us on a journey between the fresh nature of the vibrant colours that characterise his work, with the shapes that define the human line.

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