Created on July 21, 2020
Calle Tierra de Campos, Valladolid, España

Mi Nido

This is an artwork by Jabí Corte for Distrito Vertical 2020.
It is a tribute to the artist’s family, represented by birds.

In my "nest" I always received a creative and artistic education, cultural leisure with the family has been essential in my childhood I wanted to be who I am now. My life has always been surrounded by books, painting, cinema, theater and music... and for that I thank my father, mother and brother who have made me a person with concerns, sensitivities and interests that seem fundamental to me to cultivate.
En mi “nido” siempre recibí una educación creativa y artística, el ocio cultural en familia ha sido fundamental en mi infancia Iara ser que quien soy ahora. Mi vida siempre estuvo rodeada de libros, pintura, cine, teatros y música... y por ello agradezco a mi padre madre y hermano que haya hecho de mi una persona con inquietudes, sensibilidades e intereses que me parecen fundamentales cultivar
Jabi "corte" Landa—Mi NidoJabi "corte" Landa—Mi Nido
Hunted by Henar Sanz.
Pictures by Henar Sanz.

Marker details

Date created2020-07-21T22:00:00.000Z
FestivalDistrito Vertical
Marker typeartwork