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Created on November 28, 2017
1-5 The Seven Ways, Rockdale NSW 2216, Australia

Swallow Coffee Traders

Numerous swallows fly and perch among coffee cups and the vines that intertwine even the interior of Swallow Coffee Traders. Adored with white flowers and many different coloured swallows for each of the juices they make.
Unknown - Sydney—Swallow Coffee TradersUnknown - Sydney—Swallow Coffee TradersUnknown - Sydney—Swallow Coffee TradersUnknown - Sydney—Swallow Coffee Traders
Hunted by Briggs Jourdan.
Pictures by Briggs Jourdan.

Marker details

Camera usedCanon EOS 1000D
Date created2017-11-28T23:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork