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Created on September 8, 2023
August Nihoulstraat 74, 3270 Scherpenheuvel-Zichem, België

Erik Van Looy and many others..

Deze portretten van TUZQ hangen in de overdekte entreehal van Den Egger als aankondiging bij nieuwe evenementen in de concertzaal.

De werken veranderen jaarlijks, afhankelijk van de artiesten die dat jaar optreden in het buurthuis.
Momenteel kun je er de portretten bewonderen van Erik Van Looy, Peter Van Laet, George Baker en Gili. Deze zie je op de eerste vier foto's.

Op de inmiddels verdwenen portretten herken je Bart Peeters, Ben Segers, Clouseau, Els De Schepper, Gerard Lenorman, Gers Pardoel, Guy Swinnen, Kommil Foo, Niels Destadsbader, Soe Nsuki, Stan Van Samang, Tom Van Dyck, Veerle Malschaert en William Boeva.


These portraits by TUZQ are on display in the covered entrance hall as an announcement at new events in concert hall Den Egger.

The works change annually, depending on the artists performing at the community centre during that year. Currently you admire the portraits of Erik Van Looy, Peter Van Laet, George Baker and Gili. You can see these in the first four photos.

On the now-vanished portraits you can recognise Bart Peeters, Ben Segers, Clouseau, Els De Schepper, Gerard Lenorman, Gers Pardoel, Guy Swinnen, Kommil Foo, Niels Destadsbader, Soe Nsuki, Stan Van Samang, Tom Van Dyck, Veerle Malschaert and William Boeva.

TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..TUZQ—Erik Van Looy and many others..
Hunted by Tony Gielen.
Pictures by Tony Gielen.

Marker details

PhotographerTony Gielen
Buildingcommunity centre
Marker typeartwork