Created on November 27, 2022
Avinguda Nostra Senyora de Montserrat, 23, 08504 Sant Julià de Vilatorta, Barcelona, Spanje
 Between October and November 2022, Barcelona based artistic center B-Murals curated and produced Osona Artimur Festival, a never been done initiative of the Department of Tourism of Osona (an idyllic region up north BCN full of rivers, mountains and beautiful landscapes), in collaboration with the Catalan company Transit Projectes.

19 well renowned artists from the international muralism scene, the Spanish contemporary art world and some local guns selected through open calls and participatory processes, intervened the streets and the public space of 5 different villages - Prats de Lluçanès, Manlleu, Sant Julià de Vilatorta, Sant Bartomeu del Grau and Alpens -, supported by an extensive production team which included assistants, runners, photographers and filmers.
More info on https://osonaturisme.cat/artimur/

Catalan artist Mateu Targa (@mateutarga ) produced a participatory wall with the students of the Sant Julia school. In a first session in the classroom, the students were able to approach the work and technique of Mateu Targa and reflect on the theme proposed by Sant Julia; “Les Caramelles” and local folklore, before participating in the creation of the mural.
In the process of painting and mixing the colours proposed by the artist, the students created precious ephemeral stains that generated a base of colour for the mural.
With that background, and from the reflections conducted in the classroom, Mateu Targa painted over the portrait of a woman with the traditionally male dress of local folklore. With the androgyny of the character thus created, the aim is to generate doubts with the gender of the person portrayed and debate among the townspeople, about the sense of sexual segregation in popular celebrations.
"This small mural is intended to be a chant, like the traditional songs of the men of this town, but this time the voice will change. Let's hope that in the future it will do so even more and that the new shoots, the new ideas (and not so new..), can coexist with the cultural heritage and adapt it to today."
El artista catalán Mateu Targa (@mateutarga ) produjo un muro participativo con los alumnos de la escuela de Sant Julia. En una primera sesión en el aula los alumnos han podido acercarse a la obra y técnica de Mateu Targa y reflexionar en el tema propuesto por Sant Julia; “Les Caramelles” y el folclore local, antes de participar en la creación del mural.

En el proceso de pintar el fondo de la pared con los alumnos, se generaron manchas efímeras preciosas y al final quedó una base del color que el azar quiso que fuera, al mezclar los que el artista les había propuesto.

Con esa base, y a partir de las reflexiones conducidas en el aula, Mateu Targa pintó encima el retrato de una mujer con el vestido tradicionalmente masculino del folclore local. Con la androginia del personaje así creado, el objetivo es generar dudas con el género de la persona retratada y debate entre la gente del pueblo sobre el sentido de la segregación sexual en las celebraciones populares.

“Este pequeño mural pretende ser un canto, como el canto tradicional de los hombres de este pueblo, pero esta vez la voz va a cambiar. Esperemos que en el futuro aún lo haga más y que los nuevos brotes, las nuevas ideas (y no tan nuevas..), puedan convivir con la herencia cultural y adaptarla al hoy.” 
Mateu Targa—undefinedMateu Targa—undefinedMateu Targa—undefinedMateu Targa—undefined
Hunted by Tiny Tim.
Pictures by Fer Alcala.

Marker details

Date created2022-11-27T23:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork
CitySant Julià de Vilatorta