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Created on July 7, 2024
Rue du Milieu 1, 4280 Hannut, Belgium

Ox Alien - Cour des Arts

Ox-Alien began in the late 1980s by tagging his name everywhere he could, especially along train tracks and in high-up locations. Around the year 2000, he transitioned into street art, developing a distinctive style. He created his now-iconic pink flying head, featuring one eye shaped like an Ox-Alien

Ox Alien—Ox Alien - Cour des ArtsOx Alien—Ox Alien - Cour des ArtsOx Alien—Ox Alien - Cour des Arts
Hunted by Cour des Arts.

Marker details

Date created2024-07-07T10:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork