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Created on May 12, 2012
44 Broad St, Eugowra NSW 2806, Australia

The Cars of Yesteryear

Featuring rusting cars with the mountains behind at Parallel Motors.

John Elliott, Peter Crossman, Luke Virtue, Bill Eppelstun—The Cars of YesteryearJohn Elliott, Peter Crossman, Luke Virtue, Bill Eppelstun—The Cars of YesteryearJohn Elliott, Peter Crossman, Luke Virtue, Bill Eppelstun—The Cars of Yesteryear
Hunted by Street Art NSW.
Pictures by Briggs Jourdan.

Marker details

Camera usedCanon EOS 200D II
FestivalEugowra's Most Wanted
Date created2012-05-12T14:00:00.000Z
Marker typeartwork