Created on November 21, 2023
Av. Huayna Cápac 166y, Cuenca 010150, Ecuador

"The art of living together"

El Arte de convivir. Este mural expresa la importancia de vivir en una cultura incluyente, donde las artes se unifican para recordarnos que todos somos iguales en la medida que somos diferentes. cuenca, reina hermosa de fuentes y flores… antifaz colectivo inclusivo 2021

"The art of living together" This Mural expresses the importance of living in an inclusive culture, where the arts come together to remind us that we are all equal to the extent that we are different. Cuenca, beautiful queen of fountains and flowers... Inclusive collective mask 2021.

Colectivo Inclusivo Antifaz—"The art of living together"Colectivo Inclusivo Antifaz—"The art of living together"Colectivo Inclusivo Antifaz—"The art of living together"
Hunted by Al B. Fein.

Marker details

Camera usedApple iPhone 12 Pro
Marker typeartwork